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Pro Se (eBook)

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Mike Farris
91,490 words
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by Mike Farris

(available in print format)

"A man who is his own lawyer has a fool for a client." Proverb

"By tomorrow morning, if not by nightfall today, my name will be a household word. The world will finally take notice of me."

So promises Cordell Nixon, a man who's mad as Hell and not going to take it anymore. The "it" remains in question, though. Has he had enough of a hostile workplace for blowing the whistle on his employer? Or is he referring to the numerous accusations of sexual harassment leveled against him? Might he be referring to his performance in court as his own attorney? Either way, once the peaceful morning is shattered by gunfire, the Comerica Tower in downtown Dallas becomes the epicenter of a very angry storm.

Book and cover design by Rich Harvey

Produced under license from the author.